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dkeasterbrook1969 03-28-2015 04:04 PM

Anybody out take this med? Do you like it or have problems in the past taking it. I'm have a lot of up's and down with my sugar level . Taking 500mg twice a day....

pjimenez50 03-30-2015 12:28 AM

I use to take that 3x a day it only causes kidney to hurt I stop taking it my sugars were all over the placed

KarenBo 04-19-2015 07:27 PM

Just started @ 2 weeks ago. Not handling well in first few days (felt drained/weak). Now I take it with lunch and dinner bc I don't eat much for breakfast. I have to be at work at 7:30. I'm taking 500mg 2x a day also. Adjusting better now. I check BG every morning to see where I am at.

JeremyJL 04-20-2015 12:52 AM

I've only been on it for a little over a week - had stomach issues at first but that is gone. but not sure if it is working or not.....does this med take some time to work? Also feeling very overwhelmed by this diagnosis.

goobalicious78 04-24-2015 02:20 PM

I take 1000 mgs 2x a day and mine still rise and fall

k8187 04-27-2015 01:20 PM

I just started taking my meds again. Including metformin. I hate it cause I don't like the stomach ache side effects. It's also why I stopped for a while. But I'm back on it again and it does work even if it kills my stomach. I take 2000 a day. 500 after breakfast, 500 after lunch and 1000 after dinner. With portioned and healthy eating plus some walking, it has gotten as low as 88. Good luck

RickT 05-09-2015 12:40 AM

Been taking Metformin since Oct '14. I'm high in the morning and low late afternoon. Dr tells me that for some reason I'm one of the individuals that read high in the AM. In Oct my A1c was 8.1 today I'm tracking 6.2.

echo52 05-10-2015 12:58 PM

I have been taking Metformin for years, 1000 mgs in the morning and 1000 mgs at bedtime. I have zero effects from it. Metformin works well for me and controls my blood sugar provided that I eat sensibly. I am 69 years old and have been a diabetic for 25 years.

wucf 05-11-2015 09:41 AM

I am on Janumet which combines Metformin and Sitagliptin once a day it works well. At first I took Metformin by itself and was very sick back in 6/2014 but now much better

cert 06-06-2015 05:33 AM

(Diagnosis is overwhelming! Hang in there Jeremy.)
I usually have a cast iron stomach. Not so with Metformin. I now take 1000 mg at night and that seems to help - was taking twice a day and my intestines reacted violently and the smell of my breath was awful! All much better now but BG readings are creeping up again - ugh!

britt.cook 06-10-2015 11:44 PM

I am using a crime/compound. Helps with stomach issues I was having with oral.

hope704 06-21-2015 01:06 PM

I found that if I eat half of my meal, take my Metformin, then eat the rest. I have no problems with the Metformin. If I don't...I have indigestion, liver and kidneys hurt ext.

emm4448 06-23-2015 02:47 AM

My endocrinologist just took me completely off metformin. I only take 15ml of insulin now. The metformin had my sugar levels all over the place and I was eating a lot of food and sugars to keep me from having really low levels. Now that I've stopped it, I don't have the stomach aches and pains and I don't feel exhausted. I refuse to go back on this medication

Rene12 06-24-2015 07:38 PM

When I took metformin my hair started falling out. I quit taking it, thank God , I would have gone bald lol

redbud 06-25-2015 12:35 PM

Metformin made me so nauseous, cramps all over my body and dizzy and very weak! Just tried victoza and that gave me dreadful headaches! I felt like the back of my head was coming off!

c2itchris 06-29-2015 10:52 PM

Works pretty well for me - with pretty safe diet. Little carbs and no real sugar. Blood sugar avg 115-125. A1C - 6

c2itchris 06-29-2015 10:54 PM

I think I'm pretty close to getting of meds entirely! Not yet though. Strict diet + some homeopathic solutions. Also lost 50 lbs!

jkaminsky 07-01-2015 04:10 AM

I've been taking Metformin since 2012 I'm reading all your post everyone and I know your pain and struggles. I discovered OPC3 and I started taking it as a customer and now I sell it. It helps me out a great deal and my feet are know longer killing me. My A1C finally has come down from 11 to 9.5 and I finally feel better.

Also what are some of you people eating? I'm looking for new ideals.


rustyberry 07-02-2015 01:17 PM

I've gotten off all metformin. I stopped all dairy, grains, caffeine , alcohol , peanuts and have dropped 30 lbs in 2 months ...just by eating right

Gramma3 07-06-2015 04:29 PM

So is it better to take mediform and get off insulin . That is what I want to do . I was on innvokanmet but I am getting yeast infections but I can handle that Better than mediformin. Suggestions ?? Grams3

Siohmapere 07-08-2015 11:59 AM

For those having stomach problems are you on the regular Metformin or the Metformin ER...I found I had less stomach issues with the ER(extended release )

rsboyer59 07-11-2015 06:28 AM

Are you taking ER or plain?
I've been taking for over 15 years. If taking metformin ER usually less side effects. I've been on both depending on insurance. Sometimes 500 mg cheaper than 1000 mg. also take with food less stomach issues

lmpotthoff 08-02-2015 05:59 PM

BG High in the AM

Originally Posted by RickT (Post 18422)
Been taking Metformin since Oct '14. I'm high in the morning and low late afternoon. Dr tells me that for some reason I'm one of the individuals that read high in the AM. In Oct my A1c was 8.1 today I'm tracking 6.2.

My BG is higher in the morning too. About 125 to 137. I think the Trazadone that I take to sleep at night might be affecting it. Do you take anything in the evening that could be causing a high morning reading?

I stopped taking my Metformin a couple of months ago but stopped b/c of diarrhea. I just started it again this morning. I"m hoping that after a few days the stomach problems will go away.

Best to you!

cd4506 08-07-2015 08:54 PM

Metformin Doing Well for Me
I have been taking Metformin for a long time. I am taking 1K in the AM before breakfast and 1K before going to bed. It is helping. The biggest things that help me get lower BG numbers are watching what I eat and being physically active. By keeping a log of my diet I now know what foods to stay away from. Good luck.

lydmccabe 09-11-2015 02:42 AM

I take Metformin with a probiotic together,have no problems

duerron 09-13-2015 03:06 AM

I started taking metformin 5 months ago when first diagnosed with type II at age 57. I was obese, and I credit metformin with helping me lose 60 lbs so far. I did have sick stomach about 2 weeks in, but not any more. My Dr recently increased dosage from 500mg x 2 to 1000mg x 2 / day. I am grateful for this drug helping me.

kpadilla 09-19-2015 11:20 AM

I got my diagnostic in February this year, still in shock and mad with my body. I was taking met 500 twice a day and for the first 3 month I Lower from 380 to 80-100. But now 😔😔 in and out of the hospital my numbers are 400, 290 in the morning, headache, my eyes are dry. A mess! Now I'm at 1,500 met and one pill of glipizide

serialmom12 10-10-2015 01:05 AM

I took one Metformin pill and within 30 minutes I was itching from head to toe
It was a godsend being allergic to this awful medication!!! My ex was on it for 3 years. It never helped much to lower his numbers and he never knew when he would start vomiting with no warning or have explosive diarrhea. He had NO quality of life on this mess. I feel sorry for people who feel they need to take this. Herbs work a lot better with no side effects. It

wagle100 10-18-2015 07:49 PM

Taking Metformin 500mg once a day for several years. Very good control on my sugars. Have a weak back and experience back pain frequently.

wardduncan 11-29-2015 04:22 PM

I take 500 mg twice a day and I have real problems with my stomach if I take it too early in the day. i have to wait a hour or so after breakfast to lessen the effects it has on my stomach for the morning. The pill that i take in the evening doesn't seem to effect me as badly.

lclord 12-06-2015 04:26 AM

Yes. I was diagnosed in December 2003. Started on Metformin 500 mg, morning & night. It did cause some intestinal problems initially, but as I lost about 30 kgs. & the side effects were not terribly distressing, I chose to stay on it. In later times, I have been changed to just 1 gram in evening, + Byetta injection pen 1 he before breakfast & lunch, + Diamicron 60 mg in the morning. My current Dr does not like using Metformin because of potential for kidney damage. The latest combination seems to be keeping me stable.

serialmom12 12-25-2015 01:57 PM

Metformin is horrible. My husband took it and it caused severe, uncontrolled diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. He was fine one minute and sick
a minute later with no warning. Ask for something else. Glipizide has worked well. It's cheap with no side effects.

pooters927 12-28-2015 12:17 PM

Ask about invokamet. It is a mix of invokana and metformin. Did wonders for my sugar levels

nanadiane1352 01-08-2016 01:20 AM

I have been on metformin 500 once a day but I do better if I take it before dinner but my numbers are still all over 244 to 87 is the xr better for that or what I am still new to this but it's awful when first started it I felt like crap but it's better now unless like this week no bread sugar or anything to higher it and it makes me feel bad like I'm starving to death 😩

kathytonylowry 01-15-2016 02:58 AM

I have been taking metformin for 2 years now. At first diarrhea was horrible. I was able to discover that if I ate "real meat" chicken beef or pork depending on which of these meats I ate determined when the diarrhea started 15 min guaranteed with beef. 30 with pork or chicken. Once you determine what causes your metformin and diarrhea combination you can help lower your reaction frequency tremendously. I also recommend lean crusine pre packaged meals to make carb counting easier. I have been on it twice a day for a week and half and my numbers have decreased from avg 179-233 in the mornings to 145! And have lost 8 lbs. taking in an average of 150 carbs a day

19mamabear99 01-22-2016 05:19 PM

To k8187, I was on Metformin for about 1 1/2 years. I had good blood glucose levels but started experiencing stomach issues. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and my diet drastically changed. I became malnourished and my hair was falling out. That's when I found out I was allergic to Metformin. If you are experiencing stomach issues you need to see your doctor. Don't do what I did. If I didn't find out the cause I don't think I would still be alive today.

cjmahan 01-26-2016 03:42 AM

I was prescribed 500 mg 2xs a day. I tried it at first and it gave me the runs so I backed to half of the recommended dose and monitored my carb and or sugar intake. I lost about 10 lbs and have been keeping my BS around 120-130 even when my diet is a bit off

djenkins51 01-27-2016 03:12 PM

I have been on this 1000 twice per day no problems on it I get blood work every 3 months kidney r fine
I also that a chromium 1000 per day it really keeps my weight down

working2 02-01-2016 02:02 AM

I take it. I think it's great! Helps me stay level.

carlosha 02-04-2016 02:48 PM

I have been taken metformin for 7 years without any side effects. It works for me. The key for me was losing weight (26lbs) and moving to a low carb diet to avoid whites such as pasta, rice, bread, cereal. etc. I was able to reduce my medication to 1 500MG twice a day plus 1 glipezide. My BG is in the morning is better now between 70-100 when I exercise the night before. Before, it was 125 and higher. My objective is to reduce doses and eliminate it if possible. Hope helps!

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