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perogie13 08-05-2013 12:34 AM

can't sync with samsung 2

Originally Posted by txu (Post 8426)
Glucose Buddy is now available on the android. You may download it here:

Can you tell me how to sync my phone with the desktop version ?

mikepolinske 08-13-2013 08:38 PM

I would love to use the Android version of Glucose Buddy on my Samsung Galaxy S4 but I don't see any way to sync entries to the web or my iOS devices.

jbjr2003 08-19-2013 11:45 PM

Android GB

Originally Posted by txu (Post 8426)
Glucose Buddy is now available on the android. You may download it here:

I downloaded Android GB and am still learning it, but I need help, but I don't see a help button. I don't understand several functions and am getting confused. Is there a help button on the android version? If so how do I get to it. Thanks, a rookie.:confused:

dano 08-20-2013 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by jbjr2003 (Post 14581)
I downloaded Android GB and am still learning it, but I need help, but I don't see a help button. I don't understand several functions and am getting confused. Is there a help button on the android version? If so how do I get to it. Thanks, a rookie.:confused:

I have no experience with the Android App, but there is a "GB Help" thread for the iPhone. Surely, both apps work in the same manner.

pjacobs422 08-26-2013 10:03 PM

Android Sync
The app is great. I can keep track of everything that I need to but would like the ability to syn with the website.

jimkillian 08-27-2013 10:20 PM

Android Issues

Originally Posted by pjacobs422 (Post 14666)
The app is great. I can keep track of everything that I need to but would like the ability to syn with the website.

I sent an email 2 weeks ago and got no response. <snarky> Maybe need to review The Glucose Buddy Golden Rule?</snarky>

• Exported CSV list doesn’t include am/pm or 24-hour format, so no telling what actual time the record was created, and doesn’t sort correctly in Excel.
• Exported CSV list doesn’t enclose the value from the “Notes” field in double-quotes, so commas break it into different fields in Excel.
• Using GB v1.0 – iPhone version is 3.6.5; I can't find anything on the site about the Android version, it's all about the iPhone. Are upgrades anticipated?

CSV Example:
08/01/2013,11:20,BG,Before Lunch,BG,210.0,mg/dL,A 38 pastrami on rye, tomato basil soup

Even with the issues, BG is better than the other apps I've tried, including the commercial ones!


spruceman 09-17-2013 07:39 PM

I just down loaded this app to my Android, it is easy to use, excellent app. However, as everyone else has stated for the past two years, where's the sync.

Reporting could be improved... actually bites.


I would be willing to pay for sync along with the iCrowd. :D

ladyimp 12-06-2013 11:18 PM

Three months later and still no synch...where is it??? I would love to have the option, that would make this whole program 100% amazing and make my life 100% easier.

shaynebryant 12-21-2013 08:03 AM

Even an import function would be nice. I got a new phone and lost all my entries with the exception that I exported the data prior to upgrading the phone. Now if I could import this data.

psklenar 01-01-2014 06:04 PM

Is Android supported?
Is the Android version of Glucose Buddy actually supported? Or has it been abandoned?

Thank you,

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