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spmurphy 07-08-2013 06:57 AM

I was diagnosed a couple weeks ago. Was 775 when I went in, my a1c was 17%.

annem2005 07-28-2013 05:02 PM

Hey everyone! i am a newly diagnosed type one diabetic. I was suffering from extreme thirst and very dehydrated and when I went to the hospital I was 587. Now I am back to normal and trying to have a positive attitude about everything. Education is key! I really do want the best for everybody here- so I am glad this forum is available.
Question… How high can your blood sugar be after you have eaten and taken insulin? Sometimes I see as high as 230 – 250 an hour later, But it always comes down. Is this normal? Am I not taking enough ?? I would love to hear from others!
Thank you - Anne

cfoster00 08-05-2013 06:15 PM

I've had diabetes for 10 yrs now. I've been diagnosed with Diabetes since 21 yrs of age. Ill be 31 this year and since I was diagnosed I was TOLD by my doc and hospital staff (I was hospitalized more than a few occasions) that I was type 2 with insulin. A new doctor that works along side of my regular doctor was curious as to why my sugars are not doing well. She went into further investigations and noticed that I was TYPE 1 all along!!! I remember being checked by my mother on her meter at 18yrs old and my sugar was 583 at the time. But of course my mother didn't say anything not take me to the hospital. I'm in shock but most importantly MAD because I can't get back 10 yrs of my life. It's all gone. I could of been on the pump and be fine instead of tests run on me like I'm some LAB RAT. Just trying to stay hopeful and encouraged. I know I can beat it!

ckeene 09-23-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by aportnoff (Post 13787)
I was just diagnosed with LADA at 41.. I was told i am in the honeymoon phase .. Can anyone explain.. started insulin thearpy.. alittle confused ??? and scared

I was recently diagnosed with LADA at 45. I was misdiagnosed as type 2 for 5 years even though my bloodwork showed I had antibodies signifying type 1 not long after I was diagnosed. I still have some beta cell function but my control has declined along with my A1C which led me to an endocronologist who figured it out. I am on a low dose of basal insulin and strict diet. My a1c is now around 5.8.

Honeymoon phase simply means that your pancreas still produces some insulin on it's own. The best advice I can give you regarding feeling scared is to read everything you can about LADA and insulin therapy and type 1 diabetes in general. When it feels overwhelming take a break and do something your enjoy (read a book, watch a movie, take a walk, etc). You can do this. It does get better from an emotional stand point and you are not alone. Believe it or not, you've already taken the first step by posting. Hang in there.

patty0202 09-28-2013 02:44 PM

I have a free app on my Iphone called fatsecret. You just type in whatever you are eating and it will tell you how many carbs. Works pretty well for me when eating out, etc.

patty0202 09-28-2013 02:52 PM

I was diagnosed with type 1 at the age of 40 and know exactly what you are going through. My pancreas still produces some insulin as well. I currently take Lantus long acting 6 U a day and then Novolog with meals (1U every 25 carbs and 1U if glucose over 175). It has definitely been a roller coaster ride trying to figure out what works for me. My A1C is currently 7.8 (not too bad considering a year ago when diagnosed it was 14)and I am trying to get it under the 7 mark. It has been difficult because I am very sensitive to insulin and can't keep such tight control due to hypoglycemia. A lot of testing, charting, and reading to figure out what works best.

e_tacata 10-14-2013 03:38 AM

I was recently diagnose I'm 30 y/o with 230.4 mg/dl I'm now under medication for1 month with metformin and also take cinsulin and I also do the natural remedy like lady finger juice every morning - currently in 3 weeks iam able to lower it on 154.8. i wish i can lower it down to 120 .....

jamiebrouhard 11-09-2013 10:09 AM

Good luck to all
Good luck to all the newly diagnosed! I'm 33 years old and been a Diabetic since the age of five. It's been a tuff journey but I've survived. The importance of taking care of yourself is key. My eyes are now being effected by the high sugars over the years. My average A1c was 7-8 for many years... Not too bad. When I was early 20's 13-14 was a trend for a few years. I feel much better now. I take Protandin and feel so much better. Check it out. Good luck to everyone and god bless!

Jamie Brouhard

madsdad1 12-16-2013 08:12 PM

Does anyone know much about celiac disease? My eight-year-old daughter was diagnosed with type one diabetes about 2 1/2 months ago. The Dr. now informs me that she has tested positive for the antibodies for celiac disease. She is making a referral for a gastroenterologist. Any information would be appreciated

Ginamarie 01-05-2014 01:35 PM

I am 36 with a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. It has made me very depressed and would love some advice on managing bs and diabetic snacks...thanks

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