If you are a lover of fine espresso with complex and rich flavors, then you can take it one step further by using it to retain the brilliance in your brunette hair. Right now on the market, there are many hair care products that claim to boost brunette shades, like Brunettes Expressions by Pantene, but an even easier home beauty remedy tip is to use espresso as a rinse to lock in color and shine. The beauty products for brunette hair, like I mentioned above, use dyes as a stain to retain hair color that can last through a handful of shampoo cycles, but the effects of the brew work in the same way to stain your
Hair Mask and leave it lustrous.
You can easily try this at home by brewing strong espresso on your home cappuccino machine and using it to rinse your brunette hair to add a color stain that will make it look even more vibrant. If you are looking to actually